nine months already! to think that there are only three months until elias is one year old is both crazy and sad. as much as we have experienced and gone through over the last nine months, it has gone fast. he is now crawling all over the place, pulling himself up to stand and shuffle his way around. he has such an amazing personality that brings us so much joy and happiness. at his nine month checkup he was 26 1/2 inches long (5 percentile), 18 pounds 2 ounces (15 percentile), and his head measured 18 1/2 inches (90 percentile). he celebrated his first easter with a cars easter basket filled with toys and some dissolvable yogurt bites in place of candy. one of his favorite toys has been the alphabet magnets that play music and the alphabet song. he has said both mama and dad, waves at us when saying hi or bye. he is eating more solids along with his formula. he absolutely loves to climb on anyone and anything. he likes to help us brush our teeth (although he doesn't like having his two teeth brushed much. he played at the grass for the first time, loves going to the park, and loves going on walks in his stroller. he loves to play outside, play hide and seek, and he bounces his head with music. finally, his favorite game to play is the game of mom or dad coming to get him.