Tuesday, February 3, 2009

six month checkup

elias went in for his sixth month check up yesterday. developmentally everything looked great. he is progressing just like he should. he is still having some problems with his eating. the doctor was a little unsure as to what the cause of this continuous issue is. we suspect that reflux is still a major part of the problem. but we are planning to check into other options if things persist.

his height was 25 inches (5% - really short for his age...which is no surprise considering the source). his weight was 15 pounds 4 ounces (5% - not very heavy for his age, but average when his height is taken into consideration). his head size was 17 3/4 inches (75% - he has a huge head...as the doctor said, he is all brains).

again, it is crazy to think that elias has been with us now for the past six months. please continue to keep him (and us) in your prayers as he continues to grow and develop.