elias' seventh month was another adventurous one. it started out with his first major cold of the year (and of his life). it involved a pretty heavy cough, sore throat, and a very plugged and runny nose. it lasted for about two weeks off and on again. with that came some really bad eating, and then following up the cold was his six month checkup where he received another round of shots. this made his eating even worse. we were at a point of despair because we could not get him to eat and he had actually lost weight over the course of week (between when we took him in because he was sick and his six month checkup). we talked to the doctor about doing some additional tests, and even thought about taking him to some specialists in indy. things started to turn around though, and by the end of the month he had started eating better...not great...but better. it was sufficient - including a decent amount of formula and some veggies and oatmeal to go with it.
it is clear that he is growing now. he is still a little guy, but he is growing. he has been teething still, but there are no teeth yet. he has also been saying a lot more consonants lately - even sputtering out a "da da" at times. in fact elias even waved at tyler and said da da at the airport before his trip to israel. he is as squirmy as ever - close to crawling and he loves to climb all over the place. he laughs with us - and he loves taking showers and getting splashed in the face. what an amazing joy he is!
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