Friday, August 29, 2008

one month old - august 29th, 2008

elias is officially one month old today. we love him so much! his first month has been an adventure - starting with the first week in the hospital and then followed up with a short stay in the nicu. since then we have been trying to figure out what makes him uncomfortable at times - gas, reflux, constipation, milk allergy??? despite all of that...he is amazing. he continues to grow, changing so much in just one month. we think he weighs about 9 1/2 to 10 pounds. he definitely recognizes natalie and me, loves to look at lights, lifts his head with his strong neck, smiles occasionally, sleeps with his arms by his head, has rolled from his stomach to his back, loves music and noise, and is a huge cuddler (which we love). we can't imagine life without him. 


Ashley said...

cute pictures guys! we can't wait to see him again soon...

Loving Our Homeschool said...

He's so cute! He looks like he's having a nice chat with the teddy bear. LOL I think I forgot to tell you that Lauren walked around for quite a bit of the week with her "baby Elias" (the only boyish looking doll in the house) strapped to the front of her kind of like Natalie had him at church last week. Too funny.

Kathy (Pearson) Troyer said...

He definitely is the most alert baby I have ever seen. Such wide eyes. Give him a love from me!