Tuesday, July 29, 2008

breaking of the water

the doctor was here about a half hour ago. she checked natalie and said there was some change to her cervix, although it didn't open much more. it did move down enough to break natalie's water. she said this should help contractions and dialation. she will be back at 5 or 5:30 to check natalie again. she said we should be able know at that point whether or not delivery is an option tonight. if it is, we will wait. if not...c-section. regardless, the doctor said we will have the baby tonight either way. natalie's pain is increasing, so an epidural may be coming soon.


Tasha B. said...

yay! We are SO EXCITED! :)

Kathy (Pearson) Troyer said...

Tyler & Natalie, Jen, Julie, Christy, Samantha, Vickie & I celebrated Christy's b-day at Cork 'N Cleaver. We missed you! Talked about Elias being born on her b-day. Didn't want you to feel bad about missing out on the mud pie --- but it was delicious. Maybe a piece or two could be delivered to your door after the little guy is home...