Wednesday, July 30, 2008

plan for the day

what a night! elias was born at 10:35 pm - he is amazing. the grandparents were able to join us in the recovery room around 11:45 pm. the rest of our family who were here last night were able to see him in the post-partum room around 12:30 am. everyone left around 1:30 am. we got to sleep around 2:30 am, and woke up to feed elias at 5 am. we are in the post-partum room with him right now. as far as the plan for today, we are going to try to rest and get used to having our awesome elias with us. i will post some pictures as soon as i can force myself to leave the room and go to the lobby where there is wi-fi for my computer. we are going to plan on keeping the visiting to just family today since we have so many family that live nearby. we are asking that they wait until after 3 pm if possible. we want to invite friends who want to visit us here to do so on thursday or friday after 3 pm if possible. with the c-section we will be here until friday or saturday.


Loving Our Homeschool said...

The girls are anxiously awaiting pictures. No pressure though. LOL

Ashley keeps saying, "Are der pictuwes yet?"

Enjoy your day!

Leor said...

SO exciting....

kisses, lots AND LOTS